Tulsa Auto Body and Collision | What does “totaled” mean?

Tulsa Auto Body and Collision car in forest

Written by Nathan Zimmer

February 18, 2021

Tulsa based American Auto Body and Collision is a repair shop ready to help you service your car.  We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service money can buy without breaking the bank.  Your car needs to look and function well in a timely manner.  Let us help you.  We are a small auto body and repair shop that specializes in getting you in and out of the shop as quickly as possible.  

We here at American Auto Body and Collision realize that you didn’t plan on having a car accident, but you can always plan on us having your back.  Don’t spend another second looking at your car damage.  Take it to us for a free estimate.  For more information call us at 539-367-3564 or email us at info@americanabac.com

Story Time

So let’s say that you are on the road.  You are listening to music minding your own business when all of a sudden a deer comes out of nowhere and you slam into it.  At that moment you grind to a halt.  You get out to look at your car.  The deer is all but gone and as you stare at the front of your car you realize so is it. It’s time to call American Auto Body and Collision. 

The “T” Word

The dreaded word is the “T” word – totalled.  What does it mean to “total” your car?  When you “total” a car, it means that the wreck’s damages cost more to repair then the car is worth.  That is the moment where you have two choices. 

  1. You can go ahead and repair the car even though it costs more than it’s worth. 
  2. Take your insurance money and buy a new car. 

These are the two options, but today we are going to talk briefly about the second option.

Good Alternatives

What are good alternatives to your current car that was just totalled?  There are a lot of options.  Each depends on what you are looking for.  Are you looking for a practical car?  What about gas mileage?  Maybe you are looking for something with speed or special interior features.  All of these options are things to consider.   Here is a great article talking about good alternatives based upon repair costs (Car and Truck Reliability – 2021 Ratings).   

Tulsa American Auto Body and Collision to Help YOU

Tulsa American Auto Body and Collision is specifically here to help you.  Our goal is to restore your vehicle to a place better than it was before.  Nothing can compare to a fresh coat of paint and a fully functioning car engine.  For more information or to schedule a free auto body repair estimate call us today at 539-367-3564 or email us at info@americanabac.com. This post is part of our blog where we break down questions and answers that you want to know about.  All of our blog posts are built for you.  As such, if you want to know more about one topic, call us!  We want to hear from you!  Checkout our previous post here.  

Schedule an Estimate

Please fill out the following informational form.  We are excited to speak with you about your auto body or collision repair needs.  As soon as you finish filling out the form, one of our representatives will contact you directly. We will schedule an appointment where our technicians can inspect your vehicle.  We pride ourselves in fast turnaround times and quality service.  Bring freedom back to your driving experience by calling American Auto Body & Collision at (918) 323-4909 or email us at info@americanabac.com with any questions you may have.

What you should bring

After you fill out the contact & collision information form, one of our representatives here at American Auto Body and Collision will be in contact with you. Our vehicle inspections take a few minutes.  We want to provide you with the best possible service.  Help us do that by arriving on time and ready to point out any specific concerns you may have about your vehicle.  


  • Insurance Information
  • Your Damaged Vehicle
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