Motorcycle Collision Repairs in Tulsa | What to do after a Collision?

Written by Nathan Zimmer

September 6, 2022

Today we are talking about how our motorcycle collision repairs in Tulsa can help you get back on the road as fast as possible after a car accident. Getting in a car accident can be intense, but it can be even more intense if you get in a wreck with a motorcycle. Motorcycles don’t afford many of the protections that regular 4 wheeled motor vehicles have.  That means sometimes the other drivers on the road don’t quite understand the danger they are putting you in.  

When you do get in a car accident it’s important to know what to do and say in the aftermath of the car wreck.  It can be pretty hard to think straight after a car wreck. You need to check the other drivers, call the police, take pictures of damages, gather information from the other drivers, file a claim and take time to make sure you’re alright in the process.  Making sure you understand the steps outlined in this article will go a long way toward preparing you for the aftermath of a car wreck.  

American Auto Body and Collision is here to help you.  Throughout this article if you get confused or have any questions about the steps outlined here today, feel free to call us at 918-323-4909 or email us at  We realize that in the fog of adrenaline after a car wreck isn’t really the ideal time to get a complete education on the complexities of the auto insurance process.  Let us help you get through the process with as little trauma as possible. 

So you just had a motorcycle collision…

If you just had a motorcycle collision and are looking to find out what you’re supposed to do, this section will hopefully help you understand the process. For those who don’t have time to read this entire article, here are the highlights.

  1. Check to make sure you’re ok
    • The other drivers are important, but make sure that you are also ok before moving too much.  You could easily be hurt and not feel it due to adrenaline.
  2. Check the Other Drivers
    • Make sure that those who are in the other vehicles are ok.  
  3. Take Lots of Pictures 
    • The insurance company is going to ask you for pictures – take lots.
  4. Gather info from the drivers
    • Phone, address, insurance info, etc.
  5. File Insurance Claim
    • Make sure that you file this within the first 24 hours after the collision.

The previous five steps were all things that you needed to do while AT the crash site.  The final step that you need to do is call someone to come fix your motorcycle.  That is where American Auto Body and Collision can help you.  

That’s the 5 second highlights of this article now let’s get into the details.

Step 1: Check your Surroundings & Yourself

So you just got hit or you just hit something. The natural inclination might be just to lay there or it might be to try to get up really fast. STOP! It’s important to make sure that you aren’t hurt but that you also don’t remain in a potentially dangerous location. 

Immediately following a crash, check yourself.  Make sure that you aren’t hurt, but don’t linger.  After you’ve determined you aren’t hurt, find a safe place to stay, catch your breath, and allow your nerves to stabilize. 

Step 2: Check the Other Drivers

If you didn’t simply crash into an inanimate object (i.e. pole, tree, mailbox, etc.), then you need to go check on the other drivers or people who were affected by the crash. It’s best not to move anyone when they have been in a car accident.  Depending upon your knowledge and level of medical ability this may be the step that you don’t do much at all or work really hard on. Regardless, make sure you at least identify yourself and attempt to provide aid whether that’s physically or by calling an ambulance. 

Step 3: Take Pictures of the Damages

This next step is vital.  Take pictures of the damages.  Not just a few pictures, but lots and lots of pictures. I can hear someone asking, what should I take pictures of?  That’s a great question. 

  • Injuries on You
  • Injuries on Others
  • Your vehicle
  • Vehicles you hit or that hit you
  • Property Damage
  • Anything else you can think of 

It’s not only important to have pictures, but they need to be good pictures that clearly depict everything you are trying to capture.  This isn’t the time to work on your artistic, abstract photography skills.  This isn’t the time to add artistic filters or anything that would make your picture not legible. 

Step 4: Gather information from the drivers

The next step is to gather information from the drivers.  But what information? I hear that question and I’m getting ready to answer it! The main and extremely important thing to get is the phone number of the person.  I say this because if you have their phone number then you have all the information you need to get all the other information you need.  Of course make sure you also get all the other information you need too if possible. 

Speaking of other information, the next thing you need to get from them is their physical address. The next thing that you need to get is their information.  A picture of their insurance is the best way to collect this information. 

Step 5: File your Insurance Claim (Within 24 Hours of Accident)

This is one of the most important steps in the process.  You have to not only file the insurance claim, but you need to file the claim within the first 24 hours of your accident.  In this day and age, computer technology is the primary way insurance companies will provide you to file your claim.  Many companies have an app that allows you to take pictures and upload files.  They will walk you through every step of the process to make it easy for you to file your insurance claim. 

Finally…Call American Auto Body and Collision for your Motorcycle Collision Repairs in Tulsa

The final step in this process is to call American Auto Body and Collision. We are here to help you get the most out of your insurance claim.  When you are ready to get your motorcycle fixed, call us at 918-323-4909. Your motorcycle collision repairs are important to us.  We are one of the only motorcycle collision repair shops in Tulsa, Oklahoma who specializes in motorcycle collision repairs. 

Check out some of our previous work here.


Schedule an Estimate

Please fill out the following informational form.  We are excited to speak with you about your auto body or collision repair needs.  As soon as you finish filling out the form, one of our representatives will contact you directly. We will schedule an appointment where our technicians can inspect your vehicle.  We pride ourselves in fast turnaround times and quality service.  Bring freedom back to your driving experience by calling American Auto Body & Collision at (918) 323-4909 or email us at with any questions you may have.

What you should bring

After you fill out the contact & collision information form, one of our representatives here at American Auto Body and Collision will be in contact with you. Our vehicle inspections take a few minutes.  We want to provide you with the best possible service.  Help us do that by arriving on time and ready to point out any specific concerns you may have about your vehicle.  


  • Insurance Information
  • Your Damaged Vehicle
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