Tulsa Auto Body and Collision | The Customer Knows Best

Tulsa Auto Body and Collision car in forest

Written by Nathan Zimmer

February 18, 2021

Today we are going to talk about you and how Tulsa American Auto Body and Collision can best service your needs.  Car accidents are not fun.  They take time away from what you need to be doing in life.  If nothing else, they are simply irritating, and that’s the best case scenario!  No one plans or wants to have to take their car into the shop.  Here at American Auto Body and Collision we realize that you can’t plan when you have a car accident, but you can always plan on good service when it comes to us. 

We are dedicated to you.  No matter what the problem with your vehicle, we will always provide you with the best service possible.  Don’t spend another minute fretting over car repairs.  Take the time to call us at 539-367-3564 for more information about our services and how we can help you succeed.  We are ready to help you.  

You Know Your Car

We believe that you as the customer know what’s best for you.  Cars have a certain look and feel.  We at American Auto Body and Collision do our best to replicate that feel.  You know your car best. It is YOUR car after all.  That means that you know what’s best for your car.  We are here to help you.  Our passion and love is to restore cars after collisions to their previous beauty and even better.  We do this by listening to what our customers have to say about their vehicles.  How did they drive?  How did they feel?  What is wrong with your car now? These are all questions we ask ourselves when servicing our customer’s vehicles. 

You Know Your Limits

One of the primary advantages of a professional automotive service shop is that you get access to vehicle parts for cheaper.  We are able to competitively price our products here at American Auto Body and Collision to make repairs easier for you.  You know your limits when it comes to car repairs.  How much is too much?  We work with you to repair your vehicle where it needs to be fixed most.  Our goal is to partner with you.  It is hard and confusing sometimes after a car accident.  We are here to help you!

Let us Help You! Tulsa Auto Body and Collision Service

American Auto Body and Collision is here for you!  Let us help you.  For more information or posts like this one you can contact us at info@americanabac.com.  You can also check out our previous posts here.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call us at 539-367-3564 or schedule an appointment. As always our primary goal is to get you in and out of the shop as fast as possible so that you can do what you do.  Let us help you.  We will do what we do best.   Take care of yourself and your vehicle by scheduling a comprehensive evaluation and estimate.  The time you spend with us will not be wasted.  As always, stay healthy and we will see you here!

Schedule an Estimate

Please fill out the following informational form.  We are excited to speak with you about your auto body or collision repair needs.  As soon as you finish filling out the form, one of our representatives will contact you directly. We will schedule an appointment where our technicians can inspect your vehicle.  We pride ourselves in fast turnaround times and quality service.  Bring freedom back to your driving experience by calling American Auto Body & Collision at (918) 323-4909 or email us at info@americanabac.com with any questions you may have.

What you should bring

After you fill out the contact & collision information form, one of our representatives here at American Auto Body and Collision will be in contact with you. Our vehicle inspections take a few minutes.  We want to provide you with the best possible service.  Help us do that by arriving on time and ready to point out any specific concerns you may have about your vehicle.  


  • Insurance Information
  • Your Damaged Vehicle
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